Capris Biscuit Balls: A Flavorful Twist on Mama Alana's Pantry Buttermilk Biscuit Mix

Capris Biscuit Balls: A Flavorful Twist on Mama Alana's Pantry Buttermilk Biscuit Mix

Elevate Mama Alana’s Pantry Buttermilk Biscuit Mix to new heights with our Capris Biscuit Balls recipe. By following the simple instructions and incorporating fresh ingredients like diced tomatoes, basil, and your favorite mozzarella, you'll create delightful bite-sized treats. The key is to avoid folding the dough; instead, use a 3” biscuit cutter to craft circles once your dough is rolled out. Fill the center with the flavorful mix, seal the sides, and shape them into balls. After a quick brush of melted butter and a sprinkle of Parmesan, bake at 425°F for approximately 15 minutes. These savory, gluten-free delights are perfect for any occasion!

- Mama Alana’s Pantry Buttermilk Biscuit Mix Gluten-Free with a Vegan Option
- Diced tomatoes
- Fresh chopped basil
- Dairy or Vegan mozzarella of your choice
- Melted dairy or vegan butter
- Parmesan (for sprinkling) dairy or vegan
1. Prepare Mama Alana’s Pantry Buttermilk Biscuit Mix according to the package instructions.
2. Roll out the dough without folding; use a 3” biscuit cutter to cut circles.
3. In the center of each circle, add diced tomatoes, fresh chopped basil, and your chosen mozzarella.
4. Squeeze the sides together, shaping the mixture into a ball. Repeat until all circles are filled.
5. Place the biscuit balls on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
6. Brush the tops with melted vegan butter.
7. Sprinkle Parmesan on top for an extra layer of flavor.
8. Bake at 425°F for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.
9. Enjoy these flavorful Capris Biscuit Balls as a delightful twist on the classic biscuit!

Deliciously yours,
Mama Alana 💛
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